Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Battle report 2: vs Khorne Beasts

If bad dice rolls was my nemesis in the first battle, my luck had returned just in time for the second battle. A Fanatic protecting my right flank inflicted 6 wounds on a unit of four Dragon Ogres who promptly failed a Panic test and fled off the table. The battle was won when the trap was set after forcing my opponent to fail a number of frenzied charges in front of my main battle line. My waagh succeded and my general and BSB sliced through a unit of minotaurs, a tuskgor chariot and chaos ogres led by a doombull. After that, my general succeeded in taking on a blood beast of khorne and two herds in the middle of a forest, coming out on top. My BSB fought back a huge herd (27 beasts led by a Shaman), and the battle was a massacre in my favour. Losing a big block of black orcs to Khorngors (they are really nasty), did not change the outcome.

Lessons learned: Having a lot of infantry blocks, it can be wise to push three or four of them out to the flanks, leaving room for chariots, wolf riders and trolls to support my main battle line. The Size Matters-rule can be very annoying for the enemy, when my wolf riders can flee to safer ground through orcs that do not bother.

Guzzla's battle brew will always cause stupidity on my heroes. It is safe to say that I am stupid enough to keep buying it.

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